Facebook advertenties

De voorzieningenrechter van de rechtbank Amsterdam veroordeelt Facebook om aanvullende maatregelen te treffen om nepadvertenties over Bitcoins met naam en portret bekende Nederlander van Facebook en Instagram te weren. Beroep van Facebook op vrijstelling 196c lid 1 BW gaat niet op. Van (verboden) algemeen filterverbod is geen sprake. Vordering verstrekken identificerende gegevens ook toegewezen.


Summary: The District Court of Amsterdam ruled on November 11, 2019 that Facebook cease fake bitcoin ads using the name and image of John de Mol, a leading European media entrepreneur. Judge R.A. Dudok van Heel said Facebook must take responsibility for its platforms and measures to prevent these fake ads appearing regardless of cost or effort. Facebook cannot invoke the safe harbour provision of the EU E-Commerce Directive for its advertising platform. Allowing the bitcoin ads and not removing them is unlawful towards the victims of these ads and John de Mol. Further, the judge ruled that Facebook must furnish the identifying data of the providers of the ads.